A BRIEF HISTORY...Brave Star Selvage was born in 2005 when we got an invitation from Cone Mills to view their first selvedge denim collection from the newly launched White Oak label. Once we saw the full extent of the offering there was no other choice than to start a label exclusively showcasing Cone Mills selvedge denims. Our goal was to not only educate the discerning denim customer on the unique nature of selvedge but also the storied history behind Cone and all it had achieved as the premier weaver of indigo yarns in America. With this vision, Brave Star Selvage became the first premium, all selvedge ‘Made in the USA’ brand – a distinction it holds to this day. Unfortunately, the men’s denim market of 2005 was a very different market than it is today. Overly constructed and embellished jeans were the trend at that time making our understated, simple raw denim a very ‘shocking’ proposition. We struggled. A lot. The idea of wearing stiff, dark blue denim was not on the ‘must have’ list of most customers. People looked at us weird. We didn’t care, we loved what we were doing and wanted to spread the gospel of selvedge and Cone Mills to whomever would listen. At the end of 2008, just as we were beginning to see momentum for the brand and an interest in selvedge by a new generation of denim heads the global financial crisis hit and ripped the brand from our hands. Brave Star was regrettably sold to a large apparel conglomerate and put on ice.
Fortunately, a vision does not die easily and favorable circumstances enabled us to purchase Brave Star back in 2012. After a successful Kickstarter campaign to get the brand funded we fired up the sewing machines in May 2013 and have been producing high quality, affordable, American made selvedge jeans without compromise in Downtown Los Angeles.
Stay Raw, Mik
“Blaze New Trails, Respect Old Paths”