When 'Low Tech' Becomes Your Silver Bullet
© Dr. J. Alba (Polytechnic Univ. of Valencia)
With that being established check out some exponential math.
At an R0 (reproduction number) of 1.3, 1 person spreads COVID-19 to an average of 4100 people in 10 generations. At 2.3, it’s 14,000. At 3.3 it’s 153,000 people. But what if you reverse that.
If high quality masks were ubiquitous & 1000 people have COVID-19 & the R is .9, after 10 cycles, it reduces itself to 350. But at .8, it’s only 107. At .3, after only 6 cycles, the virus is virtually stopped.
Even if you don’t welcome the idea of wearing a mask for a period of time (and I would argue why not?), the larger point is we are not powerless in the face of this virus. We have science, ingenuity & collective action.
Stay healthy, Stay Raw
Info @alevitt on Twitter